Promotional Resources - Week of May 27 (TENTH WEEK OF DEVELOPMENT)


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Materials for pastoral outreach and education, so that people may learn about the development of the unborn child.


We continue to follow the development of Baby Chris ( who is now called a “fetus”. The developmental facts about the baby at this age – having just turned nine weeks old on May 27th – as well as the video footage of the baby, are very striking.

In particular, we think about the baby’s response to touch. If a light and gentle touch can make the baby respond, what must babies who are aborted experience?

Developmental Facts
On Monday, The baby is the size of a small tomato.

The face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet now sense and respond to light touch.

The mouth opens and closes, and the tongue moves.

Swallowing amniotic fluid begins.

The baby sighs, stretches, and moves the head.

Baby girls have early reproductive cells in their ovaries.

Thumb sucking begins.

Grasping objects begins.

If touched near the mouth, the face now turns toward the side touched.

Yawning begins.

Vocal cords are developing.

Ninth Week Image:

9 Weeks Download larger images: [Landscape] or [Portrait].


Prayer is the foundation of all we do in the pro-life movement.

The Touch of a Hand

Lord, your Word tells us that you hold us in your hand.

As we follow the development of Baby Chris, we realize this week that the baby is able to respond to touch. Our compassion for children in the womb grows even more as we see them responding to their environment, and able to feel those touching them.

Lord, may the touch we give to the child in the womb always be a gentle, protective one and never a violent, destructive one like abortion. Help all people to know more about these children, that they may be more inspired to protect them.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Social Media

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Did you know that in the 10th week of development a pre-born human begins to suck their thumb? see more at #facts #prolife
In the tenth week of development the face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet now sense and respond to light touch. see more at #facts #prolife
In the 10th week of development a baby's mouth opens and closes, and the tongue moves, swallowing amniotic fluid begins. see more at #facts #prolife
In the 10th week of development of a pre-born baby, If touched near the mouth, the face now turns toward the side touched.Yawning begins, as vocal cords are developing.. see more at #facts #prolife

4 weeks to 9 months


8 weeks and 9 weeks


9 weeks


9 weeks part 2
