Promotional Resources - Week of April 1 (SECOND WEEK OF DEVELOPMENT)

Reach out to thousands with this project by using these promotional resources.


Prayer is the foundation of all we do in the pro-life movement.

The Wonder of Human Life

Lord, we praise you for the wonder of human life. As Scripture says, “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you, When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth” (Psalm 139:13-15).

Lord, as we learn about the development that each of us underwent in our first days of life, remind us that value does not depend on size, and that from the moment of fertilization, each of us has existed as a person of inexpressible value in your sight.

Bless all those at the beginning of their earthly journey. Give them your protection, and give us the grace to recognize them as our brothers and sisters. We pray in Jesus' Name.

Social Media

Reach out to thousands with this project by using these social media resources.

In one short week, #BabyChris has grown from a single cell to several hundred! Download the See Baby App to follow Baby Chris’s progress.
The life of #BabyChris began one week ago. He or she has traveled from the fallopian tube to the uterus and is now implanting into the endometrium (uterine lining), which will provide critical nutrients throughout pregnancy.
#BabyChris is growing fast! He or she is made up of stem cells, which have the power to produce over 200 cell types. Learn more by downloading the See Baby App.
It's been one week since #BabyChris was conceived. He or she is now in the blastocyst stage and growing increasingly complex. Download the See Baby App to follow Chris’s nine-month journey.


Materials for pastoral outreach and education, so that people may learn about the development of the unborn child.

Join the Baby Chris Project

Over 30 national pro-life groups launched a project this past week that takes America on a journey through the development of a child in the womb from March 25th to Christmas Day, December 25th. During this journey we will learn basic scientific facts about the growth of these children, and see striking videos and photos through the app called "See Baby Pregnancy Guide." Learn more about the project at