Your word proclaims,
“How beautiful the feet of those who proclaim good tidings!”
As I continue to learn about the development of the babies in the womb,
I reflect on how you prepare their feet to serve you and your people.
You have a plan for where each child will go,
Whom each person will encounter,
And how each of your disciples will serve others.
How beautiful are the feet of those who serve,
Who come to bring food to the hungry,
Drink to the thirsty,
Companionship to the lonely,
Hope to the despairing,
And good news to those awaiting a Savior.
Bless the feet of every child in the womb,
And of all the rest of us as well.
May we run in the way of your commandments,
And go in haste to those who need our help.
And at last, after our feet have taken us
to all the destinations in this world that you have planned for us,
May we enter with joy the life that knows no end.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.